Today we had a general meeting to discuss the flow of the events from the audience point of view, deciding how long should take each performance (the whole show should be about 1 hour long):
At 17:45Audience members can enter the foyer. They are greeted by two "furies" who give them a TUIO sticker and ask a few simple questions (audience members write down the answers, like a questionaire). They look around and mingle.
At 18:00 (or probably a few minutes later)The show starts. Audience members will be given a torch and told to enter the Swimmer or the Fireman corridor. As audience members enter the corridor, a video of them is being sampled by Viara's CCTV camera. This continues until all audience members have entered the corridor. It is expected that each person will take only 20 seconds to traverse the corridor experience.
At 18:05Audience members find themselves then in a "miniroom" with an interactive installation in it. Fireman's room will involve using torches to illuminate/display sections of a comic book. Swimmer's room involves using torches or water (not sure yet) to change an interactive movie about the swimmer.
They will be held for c. 10 minutes in the room, under the guidance of a "fury", after which they'll be sheperded into the sunken audience area known as "the pit" i.e., the Main Stage.
At 18:15As audience members enter the pit, a short audio piece is played (c. 5 mins, directed by Jouko-Thomas Kleine and Tommi). After this, Atle's "responsive surround sound environment" takes over (c. 5-8 minutes) and blends into Heikki&Viara's audiovisual show. (c. 20 minutes).
Finally, musical instruments are lowered into the Pit and a 5 minute "interactive cacophony" takes place (Antti and Tommi).
At 18:50Audience members are shepherded by the Furies into the Exploratory Zone (E-Zone). They will spend c. 15 minutes here. The E-Zone is horseshoe shaped and contains about 8 self-contained small screen-based interactive projects.
At 19:05The exact "closure" of the show hasn't been decided yet. Probably:
One installation, the Goddess Shrine, is the exit to the experience. Once audience members pass through (and interact with) the shrine, they leave the show (it is the rear exit to the Lume Studio Stage). On leaving, their TUIOs are recognised and they get some personalised goodbye spoken by a talking head (or rabbit, or monster) and they are given a printout about their personal "ending" to the show.
We will need:Total computers: 20
Total projectors: 9
Total projection screens: 8
Total cameras: 6 (3 can be iSights)