In the morning we had to take down the set and props that remained from yesterday, let the space neat and clean...
But the big thing today was the feedback session with the students and teachers, where everybody had a chance to share their view on how the whole process went. This is a healthy practise here at the Media Lab, and people are honest about it too.
The general feeling among all was that the three performances went really well and everybody was proud of the show they managed to build, but that along “the making” process there was a lot of unnecessary delays, mainly because communication between all parties involved didn’t work very well. Maybe we would have needed some more teambuilding activities, especially because most people who were involved had never worked with each other before and this was a particularly intensive course.
Also we discussed about the feedback we got from the audience, which was mostly positive, as well as some accessibility issues we noticed could have been handled more carefully, such as having ramps instead of stairs and calibrating the picture cameras also for darker skin tones.
The learning process and outcomes were mentioned as well. People were enthusiastic about the alternative means of conveying a narrative using interactive technologies and although some felt the technological approach could have been more tutored some other enjoyed the opportunity to deepen knowledge by themselves. Students also learned a lot from each other as they worked in teams, and from working with field professionals.
Discussion went on for about one hour and later the written feedback will be collected so that future courses can be improved.

In the evening everybody was invited to an afterparty with a chance to chill out and enjoy some snacks in a friendly atmosphere. Thanks all for the great effort to build this MeMento Mori!