Friday, February 23

The swimmer was a Death Goddess...

The set building has definitely begun. In the last days Ilkka and Tero, the technicians from Lume, have lowered parts of the stage, build a wood wall to divide the Corridors and the Minirooms – and we covered that with black fabrics donated by Finlayson! We also used some of the fabrics to sew curtains that will hide the Main Stage during the initial part of the show.

In the meantime, at home I’ve been working on a project for the Exploratory Area, it’s kind of a game that will tell how the Swimmer turns into a Death Goddess, with black swans coming out from her belly.

Wednesday, February 21

A poster just came out!

Viara presented yesterday her proposals for the poster announcing MeMentoMori. We all liked better this one!

Monday, February 19

Back to the Black Box

We are back to Lume studios for the next two weeks to build up the set. The first thing we noticed was that the cardboard model of the Main Stage area did not exactly match the parts of the stage that can actually be lowered to make "the pit", so we started by changing that…

Then we had a walk through the space with Teijo, trying to visualize what happens where and how long it takes. We had a clash with some of the ideas and had to reformulate a couple in virtually all areas! Some of them were let a bit on the air, but like we have to start building the set, lets see what really happens…